Saturday, February 9, 2013

Penny for your thoughts?

So if you know me, and most of you don't, then you know I read the Chicago Sun Times more or less cover to cover every day. More or less meaning I don't pay any attention to the ads. And the classifieds. And the obituaries, money section, business section, any special sections, articles that don't interest me, and anything by the Reverend Jesse Jackson. But I do read the rest. It's here that I get my daily dander up, or chuckle a few chuckles, or scratch my head and say, WTF?!? Today is no exception. I usually try and conjure up some deep thought, and pretend for 15 minutes that my option matters. But in the end, it is all just a release from the daily realities of life, mostly my stress from a job I love all while working for a boss that I can't respect and a company that is in shambles. But that is all going bye-bye now, as I decided that my semi-secure paycheck wasn't worth compromising my morals. So today, no serious expose. Just a bunch of not-so-light randomness. Penny for your thoughts?

JJJ is going down in flames. I called it. Waaay back when Blago was being busted, I called it. When he flew his mistress here from DC on campaign funds, I called it. When he and his wife remodeled their DC condo with those same funds, I called it. And when he knew he was going down, and his bi-polar depression BS was being shopped to the media, and he won a campaign re-election despite being in a nut house at the time, I called it. Now he is going to jail, soon to be followed by his wife, and the kids will be raised the morally upstanding, aforementioned Reverend Jesse Jackson. You know, the one that was having an affair at the same time he was counseling President Clinton on the Lewinsky scandal? Well, it looks like he did a bang up job of raising his own son, and I am sure the grandkids will just be more apples falling from the same tree.

Vicente Garcia led the most brutal gang in Chicago, the Latin Kings, overseeing 10,000 fatherless thugs, and ordering killings with the shrug of the shoulders like most of us would order coffee at Starbucks. How brutal was he? The "Supreme Regional Inca" once punished one of his own, the leader of the Cicero faction of the Latin Kings, for not killing a rival fast enough. But he going away for a long time now, and in court he was crying like a baby, all of a sudden finding his moral compass, saying he had a “broken heart and a broken spirit” and apologized “to the communities that have been affected by gang violence” and “to those people who lost family members and loved ones through my actions.” Dude. Too little too late. Maybe if you had listened to your parents when growing up you wouldn't be heading to jail for 40 years.

But then, listening to your parents might not always be in your own best interests. Especially when you are Xenia Jaimes and your parents help you to kidnap your ex-boyfriend fuck-buddy, bind him with duct tape, beat him with a pipe and crutch, photograph his half-naked body, and threaten to kill him, probably in that order. His crime? He was allowed to take nude photos of her, with her permission, and was the benefit of a strip tease on a web cam. Poor Xenia didn't want those images all over the internet, so she figured she had to be pro-active by beating the crap out of him. Hey dumb-ass, maybe go to your parents FIRST next time and maybe they would tell you that it's probably not a good idea to strip in front of a web cam. Unless you are a porn star. Then again, maybe talking to the parents might not have been a good idea either.

I will close with one that screams "you've got to be kidding me" from the top of Mt. Rainier. The Amish community has been under siege recently in Cleveland from a series of bizarre hair and beard cutting attacks. Who would want to harm the poor Amish? Their only possible crime would be that they drive too slow in their horse drawn buggies. But cutting off their beards and hair? That's just bizarre. But they got the ringleader, and guess what. He is one of them.
And his name is Sam Mullet Sr., with one of the ZZ Top beards of his own. Have I got this straight? A guy with the name "Mullet" is cutting off other peoples hair? You just can't make shit up like this.

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