Friday, November 25, 2011

A Thanksgiving Scam

So I made my purchase, and I have a couple of ounces left over if anyone is interested. It's the good shit, but I still have a bone to pick. What's that you say? You quit smoking weed in college? Not talking about THAT shit, where is your mind? No really, what do I do with the extra 2 ounces? Hold the phone, I might actually have to use it.

WTF is The Guitarman carping about now? Well it all started last weekend when I went to do the whole turkey day shopping at the Jewel. I like to beat the crowds and get 'er done before the masses descend on the baking aisle. Black Friday ain't nuthin' until you've been in a tug-o-war with an obsessed soccer mom over the last can of pumpkin puree the day before Thansgiving. So I'm going down my list, and I am at the "12 oz. can of sweet condensed milk." I see the can and toss it into the cart. Mission accoplished. But being the nit-picky, anal retentive that I am, I have to make sure that it is indeed a 12 oz. can. To my chagrin, it is 14 oz's, not 12. "Well at least I have enough, " I say to myself, and move on to the rest of my list. But somewhere between that aisle and my kitchen I come to a brutal realization: every recipe I have ever made calls for a 12 oz. can of sweet condensed milk.

So what gives? Is there a conspiracy theory going on here? Did all the makers of SCM get together and decide to stick one up the collective consumers ass? And just what in THE hell am I supposed to do with all this extra SCM? It certainly won't keep until next T-day. I could give it to the squirrels, but yea, fuck them. As I am preparing the sweet delectable concoction, all these questions were swirling in my head. That is, until I emptied the contents into my trusty pyrex measuring cup and see were aren't actually looking at 14 oz's. Nor are we even seeing 12. It measures 10. Either my trusty pyrex cup ain't so trusty, or I just got fucked. So now I must trudge back to that infernal store and buy another can? And now I will not have 2 oz's left over but, umm, carry the one, 8? Does that include the weight of the can? Aww screw it, anybody out there have 2 oz's for sale?

1 comment:

  1. I guess that is the next Black Market!
    Oh and by the way.... The next time you go to buy EVAPORATED milk, (the prime ingredient for pumpkin pie,) Thay sell that in ounces way to big to make the pie with.) So you have left over EM. So I guess you now have 2 black markets come next Thanksgiving. GO buy up all the cans in the store on Black Wed. and sell the extra ounces on Thanksgiving when everything is closed. :) (Lisa)
