Saturday, May 28, 2011

Short and not so sweet.

Repugnant. It's the only word I can come up with as I watch the poor, pitiful, saga of the Rod Blagojevich trial Pt. II play out. It seems almost impossible that something new could come out of the mans mouth. With all the talk shows, radio interviews, reality shows, books, and press conferences that Blago has thrown in our face, how could he possibly do or say anything that would shock us? That's what I said a few days ago. Then he took the stand.

Day 1. Classic Bla-boo-boo-itch. Nothing exciting, nothing new, just more of the "look at me and see what I have done" mantra. Then Day 2. Still under defense questioning, the heart of their defense is revealed. He blamed a dead man for it. No, let me re-phrase. He spat and danced on the grave of his long time friend and political ally, Chris Kelly. A man who was more like a brother to him, a man who took his own life rather than go to jail for taking part in the illicit schemes of his best friend, was just thrown under the bus from the grave. If sympathy from the jurors is what Boy-have-I-got-an-itch craves, does he really think this will do the trick? To me it looks more like the last desperate swing from a man on the ropes.

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